Back Reunions, a Pillar of Alumni Engagement INSEAD Alumni at Reunions Share A showcase of class spiritReuniting for our futureEvery year, the INSEAD campus is awash with colour, camaraderie and class spirit as thousands of alumni return from all corners of the world for their magical INSEAD reunion experience.Reunions are a key driver of alumni engagement and a vital source of funding for the school through alumni support of class gifts. Over the last five years of the Force for Good Campaign, 46% of major gifts from individual donors were brought in during their class reunion campaigns.Alumni engagement is stronger than everSince the start of the Force for Good Campaign in 2013, there has been a 20% increase in the number of reunion classes. Despite this significant jump in alumni, reunion giving has remained steady at 22% (in contrast, fewer alumni – 14.5% – tend to give outside of their reunion campaigns). On average, there were 1,039 reunion donors per year during the Force for Good Campaign, a jump from 715 per year prior.This strong spirit of class giving did not waver even when the world changed in 2020 and reunions were forced to go virtual due to Covid restrictions. More than 4,300 alumni logged on to participate in fun activities and fervently reconnect with classmates amidst an unprecedented period of relative isolation.In 2022, when it was safe to hold in-person reunions once more, the school held an epic reunion marathon themed ‘Together Again!’ that brought together the greatest number of reunion classes in the history of the school – 57 classes comprising more than 5,100 alumni!The majority of reunion gifts made by alumni were directed to the Dean’s Fund. Being unrestricted in nature, these gifts provide the greatest impact by allowing the school to strengthen core priorities such as scholarships and research and respond with agility to arising needs and opportunities.The crucial role of reunion volunteersWhile there is no doubt that these outstanding levels of alumni engagement and giving were facilitated by the unique, welcoming, and world-class INSEAD reunion experience, none of it would have been possible without the support of loyal and dedicated reunion volunteers.The efforts of volunteers and class committees have helped to forge stronger bonds between members of our global community and with the school. Working tirelessly alongside staff and faculty, they helped to plan engaging reunion programmes, build excitement around reunion events and, of course, inspire classmates and communities to support a brighter future through their class gifts.The levels of alumni engagement and generosity we continue to see during INSEAD reunions year after year showcase the unmatched strength of the INSEAD community and have played a vital role in the overall success of the Force for Good Campaign. This will go a long way in helping us to make waves around the world as a global force for good for years to come. Share Related Content Entrepreneurship Driving Change, Shaping the Future: Key Insights from the INSEAD Entrepreneurship Forum 2024 Read more HGIBS/sustainability Harnessing the Sun: Ondine Suavet’s MBA'13D Path to Renewable Energy Leadership Read more Faculty and Research Addressing Global Challenges: The Impact of INSEAD's Research Initiatives and Support Read more