
To our Loyal Donors

Donors at a May 2019 Reunion
Donors at a May 2019 Reunion

We are deeply grateful to our loyal donors for their steady support through the years. We celebrate their lifetime of giving and their extraordinary commitment in standing by INSEAD year after year. Whether it’s because they had the best year of their lives, launched a trailblazing career or made profoundly meaningful relationships, the reasons for their steadfast support are manyfold and varied.

Egil Hogna

Staying true to diversity

We are lucky to count among you – our most dedicated donors – alumni who have given to the school every year since their graduation in the ‘60s and ‘70s. At the same time, there is a handful of very supportive young alumni who have wasted no time in embarking on their philanthropic journey by extending a big hand towards the Robin Hood Campaign shortly after graduation. 

Yasemin Okur

Each one of you is an inspiration to the entire INSEAD community and a huge driving force behind what we are able to achieve as a school. Thank you for continuously choosing to make INSEAD a priority.

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