Back The Dean’s Fund: Heart of the INSEAD Fund MBA Students in Fontainebleau Campus Share In any given year, the Dean’s Fund plays an essential role in INSEAD’s mission by supporting core priorities and providing flexible resources for innovation. This past year was no exception and unrestricted gifts totaled €2.6M in 2022-2023.Continuing economic instability around the globe made scholarships an area of emphasis for the Dean’s Fund again last year as many students struggled to finance an INSEAD education. Scholarships supported by unrestricted gifts changed the course of individual lives, but they also had broader impact. Investing in students ensures that INSEAD can attract and empower future leaders from all over the world, keeping our community diverse in talent, perspective, culture, and ambition. The students who graduate thanks to a scholarship will carry INSEAD’s mission into their communities and the organizations they serve, contributing to our global force for good.Beyond scholarships, Dean’s Fund gifts also help ensure that INSEAD remains academically excellent, influential, and entrepreneurial. In 2022-2023, a quarter of all Dean’s Fund resources were invested in INSEAD faculty and their timely research on business-based solutions to global-scale challenges, such as climate change and economic inequality . Unrestricted gifts also advanced INSEAD’s first facility in North America, the San Francisco Hub for Business Innovation. Launched in 2020, this extension of INSEAD’s footprint gives us a growing presence in Silicon Valley, a world epicentre of technology and innovation.Each unrestricted gift served as a powerful vote of confidence in INSEAD’s mission and values. By enabling our school to address unprecedented challenges and seize unique opportunities over the course of a decade, the Dean’s Fund kept INSEAD exceptional, agile, and perpetually innovative — qualities that will be essential as our next chapter unfolds. Share Related Content Entrepreneurship Driving Change, Shaping the Future: Key Insights from the INSEAD Entrepreneurship Forum 2024 Read more HGIBS/sustainability Harnessing the Sun: Ondine Suavet’s MBA'13D Path to Renewable Energy Leadership Read more Faculty and Research Addressing Global Challenges: The Impact of INSEAD's Research Initiatives and Support Read more